Monday, October 17, 2011

October 18, 2011

painting by Mark Daniels
 Welcome to Third Tuesdays Prayer.

Litany: Leader reads plain text, group responds with bold. The following is an excerpt from A Place Apart  daily prayer cycle for Wednesday evening

Emmanuel, God with us,
Keep us mindful that you are within all
Who come to our door.
We pray for the gift of hospitality.
We pray for a loving spirit,
For a teaching spirit.
May our life together be our primary teaching.

Help me to strive to be least among
My sisters and brothers,
To kneel at their feet with basin and towel,
As Christ washed the disciples feet,
And called us to do likewise.
Bless our humble cells,
Our dwelling places
For solitary retreat
For rest
For study
For prayer
For sleep.
As sister death comes to me
And I leave the earthly table,
My body returned to the clay
From which I was formed,
You, O ever living Christ
Welcome the essential
Eternal part of me
To your eternal table.

Holy God
Holy communion
Holy order
Holy hours
Holy days
Holy seasons
Bless my sisters
Bless my brothers
The rhythms of the day
The work of my hands
My study
My prayer
The stranger you send to my door
My wounds
The Lord’s Prayer
Holy God guide me
And those who are absent from me


Icon by:Rita Stynes Strow The Cosmic Christ

Prayer for others
Now may the Lord lift up the light 
of His countenance upon you, 
and give you peace, 
in your going out and in your coming in; 
in your sitting down and your rising up; 
in your work and in your play; 
in your joy and in your sorrow, 
in your laughter and in your tears; 
until that day comes 
which is without dawn and without dark. Amen.
                    - Thomas Graham