Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Second Prayer Call Report

The second prayer call went well. Megan reiterated vision for these calls and then Jonathan led the prayer reading (that Megan created). We had visual art too, which was great, to reflect on. Jonathan introduced the silent prayer time with a quote from "the Practice of the Presence of God."

We then broke into two groups and prayed for the following things:
1. DSC Conference may 13-15.
2. DSC Groups:In TX, IN and OH. One excerpt from those prayers: "We ask for new confidence for the risk of being creative in front of others. Protection, bolstering of who they are. Equip them to overcome obstacles and the things that fill our time and keep us from the creative purposes you have for us."
3. Greenhouse Arts in CO.
4. Adam Fleming's coaching clients
5. Anna P's: Solo art exhibit
6. Jonathan Reuel's upcoming album
7. Zac's finances

1. Our Vision for the Third Tuesdays DSC Prayer Call call is that the love and purposes of God will mature in us and through us as we learn and pray together. We want to:
a. Follow Jesus in prayer - learn from what Jesus said re: prayer and what he modeled.
b. Pray in and for community - pray as a group, pray for the wider DSC community, the wider body, and beyond.
c. Pray creatively - practicing various forms of prayer including practicing the presence, personal house of prayer model, using images, silence, meditation, read prayers.

"If sometimes she becomes a little distracted from the divine presence, God gently recalls Himself by a stirring in her soul. This often happens when she is most engaged in her outward chores and tasks. She answers with exact fidelity to these inward drawings, either by an elevation of her heart to God, or by a meek and fond regard for Him, or by such words as love forms on these occasions. For instance, she may say, "My God, here I am all devoted to You," or "Lord, make me according to Your heart."

It seems to her (in fact, she feels it) that this God of love, satisfied with such few words, reposes again and rests in the depth and center of her soul. The experience of these things gives her such certainty that God is always in the innermost part of her soul that she is beyond doubting it under any circumstances." (From "the Practice of the Presence of God." Gender changed to reference us as the bride of Christ)

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